Patient Participation Group

We would like to know how we can improve our service to you and how you perceive our surgery and staff. 

To help us with this, we are setting up a patient representation group so that you can have your say.  We will also involve you in changes that we would like to make at that practice.

We aim to gather patients from as broad a spectrum as possible to get a truly representative sample. We need young people, workers, retirees, people with long term conditions and people from non-British ethnic groups.

If you would like to be part of our group then please complete the sign up form below or contact the practice to register your interest.  Our next meeting will be taking place Monday 3 June, 18.30pm at Tudor House Medical Practice.

If you prefer, you can download the sign up form as a pdf document, print it out, complete it and return it to the practice.

Download the pdf version of our sign up form

 We will be in touch shortly after we receive your form. Please note that no medical information or questions will be responded to.

Terms of Reference

The aims of the Patient Participation Group are to:

Represent the patients of Tudor House Medical Practice (THMP).

Facilitate good relations between THMP and patients by communicating patients’ experience, interests and concerns and by providing feedback to THMP on current procedures and proposed new developments.

Help maintain good relations and communication between THMP, the local community and other bodies.

Explore ideas identified from patient surveys and feedback.

Be a forum for ideas on health promotion and self-care.

Support THMP in the hosting of health events.

The PPG is open to all patients registered at THMP aged 18 and above.

The patients that sign up to be part of the PPG must be committed to representing all patients and not the individual needs of the patients within the PPG.

Actual PPG members must be committed to attending as many meetings as possible.

Virtual members can become Actual members at any time by notifying the Deputy Practice Manager.

Members to inform the Practice Manager should they wish for their name not to be listed under ‘PPG Members’ on the PPG noticeboard in the waiting area (Actual members only)

The PPG will endeavour to make sure that members reflect the diversity of THMP population.

The Actual PPG members will appoint annually a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson along with other officers to undertake organisational/administrative responsibilities.

A quorum will exist at formal meetings when there are four or more members present.

Membership will be automatically terminated in the event of that member ceasing to be a patient.

The Actual PPG will aim to:

Act as an advisory group providing perspectives and concerns from patients that can influence how services operate, how accessible they are and how suitable they are for the patients.

Advise THMP on how to improve communications with patients in the most beneficial way.

To advise and act as a consultative group for any changes within THMP, to include the Virtual PPG.

Actual PPG members to review the results of patient surveys and suggest changes where appropriate.

The Actual PPG will meet at least three times per year and these meetings, dates and times will be set annually.

Any member of the Actual PPG who is unable to attend a meeting to send their apologies to the chair of PPG and Practice Manager of THMP.

The Practice Manager of THMP will endeavour to attend all meetings and a GP will attend where practical, to present news of developments within THMP and to respond to issues raised by the PPG.

Other members of staff of THMP and third parties may also be invited to attend.

Minutes of the meeting will be sent to all members of the PPG and communicated elsewhere if deemed appropriate.

Minutes are not final until discussed at the following meeting and as such, should not be discussed outside of the PPG until then.

Minutes and notices to be shown on THMP website and in the practice waiting room, to ensure maximum patient contact, so all patients are kept informed.

Communication will be by email and a current email address should be made available to the Practice Manager. Members email addresses will not be disclosed to others.

Any members wishing to add items to the next meeting’s agenda must do so via email to the Practice Manager at least 2 weeks in advance of the next meeting date.

To agree to respect and not discuss any sensitive or confidential information that has been disclosed by THMP and/or patients outside of the PPG meetings and events.

PPG members will not be given confidential patient information and any results from patient surveys/feedback or comments will be anonymised prior to discussion at PPG meetings.

Membership of the group does not confer any priority claims on THMP or any right to preferential treatment.

Members should not use the meeting to air personal grievances or complaints to THMP.

To contribute constructively to PPG meetings, email discussions and Practice events.

To respond to PPG emails and requests for feedback in a timely manner.

To take minutes of meetings on a rotational basis (Actual Members only).

THMP will commit to the attending of the PPG Meetings.

THMP will take forward issues and recommendations from the PPG and supply the responses of actions taken as a result.

THMP will keep the PPG informed of service developments.

THMP will actively promote the PPG and display details of past and upcoming meetings, events and actions in the patient waiting area and on the THMP website.